Lesotho Council of NGOs (LCN) is embarking on creating awareness on
the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals through different broadcasting
media houses around the country. This is to inform the public on what
was achieved in the 2015 Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) phasing out
in September 2015 and to have the public's position for the 2030 Sustainable
Development Goals (post 2015 Development Agenda).
To spike up the locals participation and interest in the impending development
goals, two private radio stations were visited today (26/03/15) namely TK FM and
Moafrika FM. The LCN's Health and Social Development Coordinator, Mrs. 'Mamathule
Makhotla said LCN embarked on the radio programmes to influence public participation
by having a say on issues of development and be part of post 2015 development agenda.
Figure 1: Mrs.'Mamathule Makhotla live at the Radio talk show |
She added that LCN released three Policy Briefs; on health, gender equality,
food security and justice as part or raising awareness/raising profile on these
issues and to involving the public on the processes. Apart from the briefs,
the organisation is also holding public forums in different districts and next
week (31/03/15) LCN will be in Mokhotlong.
Mrs. Makhotla said Lesotho did not do well in health in the 2015 Millennium
Development Goals, according to the report we still have challenges in maternal
health, women still die when giving birth and also the HIV/AIDS prevalence is
still very high (Lesotho is second in the world with 23%). Access to health
facilities is also very poor, there is shortage of skilled staff in our health
care system and we lack resources (infrastructure).
In 2013, LCN through the assistance of the UNDP held forums in all the ten
districts where it consulted the nation on which issues of development they
would like to see featured and addressed post 2015. Lesotho is part of the
countries nominated for public consultation to ensure inclusiveness and
engagement on issues of development affecting its people to be presented
and their position to form part of 2030.
LCN wants the roles to defined, MoUs created on civil society and government
partnerships. Mrs. Makhotla also added that most of the people did not have appreciation
of the MDGs and how they came about, they are happy to be consulted and they are now part
of the seventeen sustainable development goals.
Background of the project
The MDGs had eight globally agreed goals in the areas of poverty alleviation, education,
gender equality and empowerment of women, child and maternal health, environmental sustainability,
reducing HIV/AIDS and communicable diseases, and building a global partnership for development. The
MDG's overall target date is September, 2015.The post-2015 development agenda is expected to tackle
many issues, including ending poverty and hunger, improving health and education, making cities
more sustainable, combating climate change, and protecting oceans and forests.
The Lesotho Council of Non-Governmental Organisations (LCN) is an umbrella organisations for
NGOs in Lesotho. It was established in May 1990 with an objective of providing supportive services
to the NGO Community.